The Pro-Choice Page


Welcome to the Pro-Choice page.

This page is devoted to the belief that a woman has the right to choose. 

We will present ideas for people that are not sure about this issue as well as possibilities for those that are sure. The very fact that you are here encourages us and shows that your are open to new ideas and we trust that you will read the entire page. Our hope is that you find the understanding that you are looking for.

We are sure that you have seen the bumper stickers, pins, billboards, and received mail on this very controversial issue. It has divided our nation and caused a great deal of hardship to many. The issue of course is choice. Whether or not it is the woman's choice to have an abortion or a baby. 


We can not go back in time.At one time the main issue was the life of the woman vs. the life of the baby. You may have noticed many people have moved away from this issue. We are now asked to look at how having a baby will change the life of the women and the potential father. We are told that having a baby can be expensive, interfering, and difficult. The main issue is no longer the life of the woman but how a baby will effect her lifestyle.  It has become a choice between the life of the baby or changing the lifestyle of  the woman.


We would like to present to you an alternative choice that would prevent the need for this awful choice. The choice of time. A woman has the right to choose and that choice is at the time of whether or not to have sex. 


Some leave at this point....Please read to the end.


Think about it...This is the same choice that a man has. Once a choice is made we should live by that choice. In other words, we are responsible for the choices that we make. If you choose to drink and drive and then hurt someone, you can't blame it on the alcohol. You made the choice and you are responsible.


Sex is a choice and the choice that should be in the forefront of this issue. You can not truly erase that choice with an abortion. The choice of sex is more than whether to have and give pleasure. You as a woman have chosen to allow a man to place within you part of himself.  This choice is not trivial and it is at this point that you have, in a sense, agreed to the possibility of making a baby with him. This is an agreement, between the two of you, whether verbal or not.


This agreement that you chose to make becomes binding if you actually become pregnant. Your body, the one that people say you have the right to, has started the process of birth. This baby is now counting on you and expecting you to follow through with your choice to have him or her.  Please make no mistake, it is a baby with all the parts that a baby on the outside of you would have including eyes, feet, hands, lungs, a beating heart, and feelings. Your choice was made and now you should care for this baby or choose to give him or her up for adoption.


So we are NOT saying that women do not have a choice. They certainly do and that choice is to have sex or not. Once that choice is made then both the man and the woman must act responsibly and follow through with the choice that they made. The choice of sex must be taken more seriously and made with the understanding that a pregnancy is possible and life changing.

This in no way minimizes your needs as a woman! 

Your needs are very important and must be considered.  The baby's "will to live" is not more important then your life but please understand that life is the issue here not lifestyle

If you are pregnant, we encourage you to find out more information at:

Pregnancy Centers Online or call 800-848-LOVE


If you are not pregnant and feeling pressure to make the choice to have sex, we urge you to think through this decision.  You may have come to this page looking for a reason to justify having sex.  This may be because you know that it is wrong to have sex outside of marriage.   You know that it is wrong because God has placed it on your heart that it is wrong.  God would love to give you the strength to do what is right.  The pressure will be too strong to hold out without God.  Would you like to learn how to have the strength that only a personal relationship with God can give you? 

Then we invite you to visit our Road to God Page.


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This WebTract is presented by Stone Tablets Ministries.  For more information or any comments please email us at Stone Tablets Mail